Pilates for Golfers

Pilates is a physical fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates in the early twentieth century and is an effective way to help build core strength or recover from injury for those playing sport, in particular football, golf or tennis.

Golfers Pilates

Introducing golfers pilates

Pilates is a fantastic form of exercise which done consistently, will help you to improve in any sport including football, tennis and golf.  I love golf and I have played competitively since I was little – it took its toll on my body, but I discovered that Pilates really helped me to recover.  I got the opportunity to play at some amazing courses including Royal Troon, Scotland; Royal County Down, Ireland and Wentworth.  It can be a physically demanding sport and you have to be able to hold your concentration over a possible 4-hours or more if you wish to play 18 holes. 

Golf is about creating a swing that can be repeated again and again.  To help us achieve this I truly believe that every golfer should be working with a good coach, be using the right equipment plus optimise their strength and mobility.  I can’t help with the first two, but I can definitely use my knowledge, in Pilates and experience to help golfers to move better.  

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The Benefits

I encourage my clients to work at a level suitable for them, it is easy to scale the exercises up and down as ability progresses.  Benefits of Pilates for golfers can include: 

Strengthening and toning all muscles in the body. 

Alleviates back pain and strengthens muscles in the back from your golf swing. 

Increases mobility and flexibility of the spine.

Helps improve balance and coordination. 

Improves posture and alignment in the body.

Improve strength to support other sports eg: golf, running, tennis, etc.

Helps to bring an overall sense of wellbeing to the mind.

Packages and Pricing

Pilates for golfers:

We also offer a Pilates for Golfers class on a Monday and Wednesday morning, perfect if you wish to improve your flexibility and support your game.  Available for abilities.

Just £51 per 6-week block. 

Please note: Full terms and conditions apply and at least one month’s notice is required to terminate your place.  In the above pricing, we have allowed for holiday and bank holiday allowance to even out payments across the year. 

What our clients say:

My own reasons for taking up pilates were threefold. Firstly, to keep my mobility and agility as I get older; to help manage on ongoing lower back problem resulting from a slipped disc; thirdly to increase my flexibility and balance for golf. A programme called, ‘Pilates for Golfers,’ was therefore an obvious choice. I now attend the weekly classes taught by Laura and also daily follow the routines and exercises she teaches and the result has been all I hoped for. I have far less lower back pain problems, greater flexibility and balance which are helping me with both my golf and the other sport I play, which is table tennis.

Michael Newstead

My journey started from a position of no golf (due to severe back pain) to regular golf and a reducing handicap. The back pain was actually cured by a physiotherapist who told me that if I didn’t want to keep returning to her care, I should take up Pilates classes. She added that Pilates would also help my golf. I was sceptical. So at my next golf lesson with my Club Professional (Lee Scarbrow at John O’Gaunt GC) I asked whether the Physio was telling the truth. Not only did he agree but he recommended Laura Collin’s “Pilates for Golfers” classes. These focus on strengthening core muscles (abdominals, Glutes etc) to take pressure off my back. They also focus on balance exercises utilising those same core muscles. The exercises involve stretching rather than any breathless workouts and working at your own level depending on your current fitness and agility. Correct exercising techniques are vital and this is where Laura’s one to one direction and supervision during each class is so important. I subsequently complimented these sessions with Laura’s “Fitness for Golfers” classes.

It would be remiss of me not to mention that I have also continued my lessons with Lee Scarbrow who has improved my overall golfing techniques considerably.

The key improvements from Pilates have been much greater stability over the ball through my golf swing. This means that I hit the ball with the sweet spot of the club far more frequently. This, and improved overall fitness has increased both the distance I am hitting each of my clubs and my levels of concentration though the round. The overall result is that I have entered retirement seeing my handicap going down rather than up and my enjoyment of the game increasing accordingly.

My sincere thanks for this go to both Laura and Lee.

PS. No back problems since and the journey continues!


Bill Walker

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